• Occupational Health
  • Ensure the health and safety of your employees and improve their wellbeing by having a proactive approach to healthcare

    Every organisation should have a clear policy for the management of health and safety so that everybody associated with the organisation is aware of its health and safety aims and objectives and how they are to be achieved.

    Health and safety policy

    A good health and safety policy will also enhance the performance of the organisation in areas other than health and safety, help with the personal development of the workforce and reduce financial losses. A clear health and safety policy contributes to business efficiency and continuous improvement throughout the operation. 

    Fitness to work (FTW)

    Annual medical check

    Post-employment health assessment

    Chronic disease management

    Sick leave management

    A healthier workforce is more productive.

    By providing a healthy and safe work environment you will create a highly productive and dedicated workforce.

    Food and Water Safety

    Food and water-related illnesses can often be extensive and have the potential to shut an operation down. In addition, there is substantial company reputational risk associated with insufficient food and water safety planning.

    In extremely remote settings, food and water safety can present unique challenges in field operations. By carrying out environmental monitoring programs and water quality control, we can significantly decrease the risk to workers of both morbidity and mortality from microbial, chemical, and physical contamination of the food and water supply. 

    Impact of healthcare on your business

    The direct impact on the bottom line comes primarily from a reduction of a company’s costs stemming from production loss due to illness, medical bills and insurance premiums, in addition to the substantial expenses associated with substituting staff that must end an assignment early due to poor health.

    Indirect positive impact on the bottom line comes from focusing on staff performance, health and wellbeing which all drive worker engagement, which in turn is linked to overall business and safety performance.

    Additionally, indirect cost from work interruptions and scheduled delays can be reduced by introducing simple health and wellbeing interventions. These interventions have been shown to improve project delivery and HSE performance in projects and operational assets. In addition to avoiding cost, the right health interventions can contribute directly to the bottom line, by increasing the healthy high performance of staff by empowering people and the business to thrive and perform at their best.

    Our clients

    Major business and international companies trust us to deliver healthcare services and protect their workforce.